Sunday, November 29, 2020


Hello everyone!

Today I will talk about the subject that I like the most. Throughout the race I have had many subjects and I have all liked them. However, this semester I am focused in environmental problems and climate change from the social sciences. So, the subject I enjoyed in this semester was "El cambio climático desde las ciencias sociales". 

This course is aimed at helping students understand the key issues in the climate change from an interdisciplinary perspective. I can discuss and learn of students of other carrers, and I love it. This is very necessary for study a wicked problem! 

We have studied the causes and consecuences of climate change and envarioment problems and their social implications, the local effects are analysed and mitigation and adaptation strategies are developed in partnership with people affected. This is very important  in the social and political context of Chile -and the world-, because we have the posibilite of creat a constitution more ecology and friendly with the ecosystem. This is so relevant if we wanna continued living in the world that know today.  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology


I remenber when I have 15 years old, I bought my first camera with the salary of my summer job, I felt fulfilled and happy. From this moment I began to take pictures of what caught my attention, objects, people, streets; Everything I wanted to capture to remember it accurately. 

In just a few seconds I could immortalize expressions and emotions, and then I could transmit them to other people, isn't that magical?

Not all photographs are happy, obviously, but it is part of the reality that is presented to us.

Currently, street photographs are the ones that capture my emotion the most. We walk fast and we don't realize what happens next to us. It is through photography that I take the time to walk slowly, look and wait for the moment: the expression, the situation. I define what I want to convey.

Definitely, if it wasn't for the camera, I wouldn't have many excuses to slow down the city. And now, in quarantine, the camera is a focus to canalize emotions and look with different perspective familiar places.   

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Blog 2

Hi everyone:) 

This time I come to tell you a little more about me. 

Well, until today I’m studying Sociology, I’m in the four year of the career, but in the beginning, when I was a child, I’ll never been thinking about it. Like any child, I played to be doctor, professor, chef, mechanic… whit my brothers we played a lot of games that included roles. 

When I was a little girl, my dream was to be a model hahahah, but with time I changed my option. 

My dream was to study marine biological, but when I grew up I enrolled in a scout group and in this space I found in myself new capacities related with the organization and relation with others, so, I started to thinking about the professional life of a marine biological and it doesn’t like me, because I wanted to be someone that could give to other person tools and solutions for trouble of the social structure, like deficient public policies, migration and child problems. 

Like any student that does the PSU, I was really nervous about the result, but I had a hope that would study that I like me. I was a sure abour my option: I will study sociology, but I don't know where by the different uncertain factors.   

In my own experience the university it comes like another house, because I spend a lot of time in this place hahah it’s a joke, I found really good friends that accompany me and we hold ourselves and each other when the world be even difficult and complicated. 

In the future,  I would like to keep studying about gender, territoriality and environmental problems. 

                                                        (Extract of study in quarantine time) 

Friday, October 30, 2020

My autobiography

 Hello everyone!


My name is Josefina and I was born in Rengo, Chile, on August 12th, 1998, but only burn in this place, because i grew up in Rancagua the next years of my life. I studied just one school my primary and secondary education: Instituto Sagrado Corazón, a catholic school. When I graduated from high school, I immediately began studying sociology at the University of Chile. 

I have two brothers, Dante and Pedro Emilio. Dante is older than me, and he study Ilustration. We lived together in Santiago, while my brother, Pedro Emilio, lived with my parents in Rancagua. But, due to the covid-19 pandemic, Dante and I return to Rancagua indefinitely. The last thing we did in Santiago was adopt a cat, and now he is living with my two dogs in my parents' house, without notice. It was crazy at first, but now they play together. 

Since I was a child I  have been interested in arts, such as dancing and theater. I like go to the shows and practice this. 


Hello everyone! Today I will talk about the subject that I like the most. Throughout the race I have had many subjects and I have all liked ...